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Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve Emergency Fund

388 Supporters
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We're Grateful For Your Support

Thank you for partnering with the BCCER during this rapid recovery campaign. With your contributions, we've already begun work on the important erosion control measures and supporting the wildlife. Watch this recorded Q&A to learn more about the impact of your gift.

We are especially grateful to the University Foundation, Jessica Harrington and Ryan Patten, Bea and Kevin Olsen, and anonymous donors who together provided $165,000 in matching gifts during this campaign.

The University Foundation has waived all processing fees so 100% of your gift goes directly to BCCER recovery efforts. 

Recovery after the Park Fire

On July 24, 2024, a wildfire was started in upper Bidwell Park in Chico. The Park Fire quickly spread to the surrounding landscapeincluding the immediately adjacent property of the University’s Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserves (BCCER).

The vast majority of the reserve’s 7,835 acres were burned over in the fire, causing varying degrees of damage to the land, destroying the reserve’s headquarters and most other structures, and deeply impacting the flora and fauna for whom the land is stewarded.

BCCER needs to restore basic infrastructure rapidly 
in order to carry out its vital—and time sensitive—wildlife, watershed, and land stewardship functions. Fauna in the area are in need of water and shelter immediately as food and water sources have been destroyed or contaminated by the fire, and it is crucial that erosion control measures are in place before rains begin this winter to protect the Big Chico Creek watershed and prevent flooding downstream.

Wildlife Protection and Operations Restoration Greatest Needs

  • Protect the habitat of Big Chico Creek
  • Maintain water infrastructure for wildlife
  • Reinstall game cameras.
  • Employ students to carry out the volume of rehabilitation work
  • Rent or buy an office to serve as temporary headquarters for the BCCER crew until a long-term site plan is developed
  • Restore internet and communications
  • Repair damage to road infrastructure
  • Mitigate hazards

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!